{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "walnutpsringsisd.net", "Id": "fe9bafc4-9018-4913-86c2-a3688d8a1f85" } Notices | wsisd
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Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in

Career and Technology Education Programs

Walnut Springs ISD offers career and technology education programs in Ag Science, Family and Consumer Science, and Technology. Admission to these programs

is based on student choice and need.

It is the policy of Walnut Springs ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in its vocational programs, services, or activities

as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the  Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended;

and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Walnut Springs ISD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs.

For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Pat Garrett, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Christy Halbert, at Walnut Springs ISD, P.O. Box 63, Walnut Springs, TX 76690. Phone No. 254-797-2132.



Walnut Springs Escuela Distrito Independiente ofrece programas Ciencia de Agricultura y Ciencia y Tecnologia de la Familia y Consumidores. La admision a estos programas se basa en edad y grandeza de la clase.

Es norma de Walnut Springs Escuela Distrito Independiente no discriminar por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo o impedimento, en sus prograrnas, servicios o actividades vocacionales, tal como lo requieren el Titulo VI de Ia Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, segun enmienda; el Titulo IX de las Enmiendas en la Educacion, de 1972, Ia Ley de Discriminacion por Edad, de 1975, segun enmienda y la Seccion 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitacion de 1973, segun enmienda.

 Walnut Springs Escuela Distrito Independiente tomara las medidas necesarias para asegurar que la falta de habilidad en el uso de la lengua ingles no sea un obstaculo para la admision y participacion en todos los progamas educativos y vocacionales.

Para inforinacion sobre sus derechos o procedimientos para quejas, comuniquese con el Coordinador del Titulo IX, Pat Garrett y/o el Coordinador del Seccion 504, Christy Halbert, at Walnut Springs ISD, P.O. Box 63, Walnut Springs, TX 76690. Phone No. 254-797-2132.

School Lunch

School Lunch Program

The district participates in the National School Lunch Program and offers students nutritionally balanced lunches daily.

Walnut Springs ISD participates in the Community Eligibility Program. This means that all students at WSISD are served breakfast and lunch free of charge.

The district follows the federal and state guidelines regarding foods of minimal nutritional value being served or sold on school premises during the school day. [ more information, see policy CO(LEGAL).]


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Working Together - Both experience and research tells us that a child’s education succeeds best when there is good communication and a strong partnership between home and school. Your involvement in this partnership may include:

• Encouraging your child to put a high priority on education and working with your child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school provides.

• Ensuring that your child completes all homework assignments and special projects and comes to school each day prepared, rested, and ready to learn.

• Becoming familiar with all of your child’s school activities and with the academic programs, including special programs, offered in the district.

• Discussing with the counselor or principal any questions you may have about the options and opportunities available to your child.

• Reviewing the requirements of the graduation programs with your child, if your child is entering ninth grade.

• Monitoring your child’s academic progress and contacting teachers as needed. [ Academic Counseling and Academic Programs]

• Attending scheduled conferences and requesting additional conferences as needed. To schedule a telephone or in-person conference with a teacher, counselor or principal, please call the school office at 254-797-2133 for an appointment. The teacher will usually return your call or meet with you during his or her conference period or before or after school. [ Report Cards/Progress Reports and Conferences]

• Becoming a school volunteer. [ further information, see policies at GKG and contact Rhonda Terrell.

• Participating in campus parent organizations. Parent organizations include: Booster Clubs/CTA

• Serving as a parent representative on the district-level or campus-level planning committees, assisting in the development of educational goals and plans to improve student achievement. For further information, see policies at BQA and BQB, and contact Pat Garrett.

• Serving on the School Health Advisory Council, assisting the district in ensuring local community values are reflected in health education instruction. [ policies at BDF, EHAA, FFA, and information in this handbook at School Health Advisory Council]

• Being aware of the school’s ongoing bullying and harassment prevention efforts.

• Contacting school officials if you are concerned with your child’s emotional or mental well-being. 

• Attending board meetings to learn more about district operations. [ policies at BE and BED for more information.]



In its efforts to promote nondiscrimination, Walnut Springs ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

The following district staff members have been designated to coordinate compliance with these legal requirements:

• Title IX Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of sex: Pat Garrett, Superintendent

• Section 504 Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of disability: Pat Garrett, Superintendent.

• All other concerns regarding discrimination: See the superintendent Pat Garrett.

The Walnut Springs ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, or hiring practices. Inquiries
regarding the Title IX policies should be directed to the Director of Human Resources at Walnut Springs School, PO Box 63, Walnut Springs, TX 76690 or (254) 797-2133.
© 2018 Walnut Springs ISD.
All materials contained in the Walnut Springs ISD website are property of the Walnut Springs ISD.
Proudly created with Wix.com

​Walnut Springs ISD 
Physical Address: 184 Ave A         Mailing Address: PO Box 63

Walnut Springs ISD

Phone: 254-797-2132     Fax: 254-797-2191


The Walnut Springs ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, or hiring practices. Inquiries
regarding the Title IX policies should be directed to the Director of Human Resources at Walnut Springs School, PO Box 63, Walnut Springs, TX 76690 or (254) 797-2132.
© 2018 Walnut Springs ISD.
All materials contained in the Walnut Springs ISD website are property of the Walnut Springs ISD.
Proudly created with Wix.com

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